
Orbit Server can be run right out of the box, with several easy ways to get started.

Docker container

The simplest way to start an Orbit Server for development is in a Docker container from the Docker Hub image.

```shell script

docker run -it -p 50056:50056 orbitframework/orbit: ```


Orbit Server comes packaged as a helm chart hosted on Github. Include Orbit Server as a dependency in your application's helm charts.

- name: orbit
  version: {{< release >}}
  repository: https://www.orbit.cloud/orbit
  condition: enabled

To configure Orbit, set overrides in a values.yaml file or use the --setValues switches when running helm install.

  url: localhost
    replicas: 1
    containerPort: 50056
    replicas: 1
    replicas: 1


Most scenarios are supported with the turnkey methods above. For some advanced situations, it may be preferred to host the Orbit Server runtime within an existing server application.

For help on hosting Orbit Server, check out the Hosting page.

The best example of hosting the Orbit Server components can be found in the orbit-application module.

Last updated